What is NAMI? 

Family Support Group

NAMI Delaware and Otsego Counties is the regional affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI is the nations largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to providing support, education and advocacy for individuals living with mental illness and their families.

Our affiliate actively promotes these goals by means of outreach, education, and providing resources to the community at large.  Our goal is to increase awareness and understanding, leading to positive action about brain disorders and mental health issues in our region.

  • NAMI meetings are currently being held by confidential, free conference calls.

    They are held the first Tuesday of the month, at 6pm.

    For more information on accessing the phone service, please call (607) 326-4797, or email namidelawareco@gmail.com

(Please note: Occasionally, meetings are re-scheduled, due to inclement weather, holidays, or other events. You may call to confirm meeting date.)

For NAMI Delaware and Otsego Counties: namidelawareco@gmail.com. (607) 326-4797

For National Alliance on Mental Illness: www.nami.org

For NAMI New York State: (518) 462-2000, www.naminys.org
